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Warts (medical name warts) is a painful benign lesions of the skin, in the form of papules. Caused by a virus of papilloma of the person (HPV). In popular language, the warts are called γαρδαβίτσες. Because the infections caused by the virus HPV is a lot in the Greek and international literature are divided into:

  • Infections of the skin of the hands and feet, which are called warts (English: warts or verrucae)
  • Infections of the mucous membranes of the penis, the anus and the vulva, which are the venereal disease, and are called genital warts (condylomas)

It is good to not confuse between these two dermatological diseases because, due to different types of HPV.


The infectivity of ants was recognized at the end of the last century. The virus of ants, known as a virus of papilloma of the person (Human Papilloma Virus – HPV). Modern research methods and, in particular, the DNA hybridization have been isolated until now 55 types of viruses HPV, which cause a wide range of diseases.


The disease is infectious. The transmission of the disease occurs mainly by direct contact or indirectly with shared objects or on the use of common areas, for.x. public baths and swimming pools. Small solutions of the skin may be necessary to ενοφθαλμισθεί the virus. This explains the frequent localization of ants in areas that typically suffer injuries (hand, foot, knee), as well as the Koebner phenomenon (appearance of skin lesions along linear lesions).. Depending on the clinical picture and locating, the warts can be distinguished in the common, to the smooth and plantar warts. 


In The M. Britain in 10-25% of patients visiting the dermatology outpatient department presenting a warts. Displayed geographically everywhere on Earth and infect more often people aged 12-16 years. Shall be allocated as follows: (a) 70% of these are common warts, (b) 24% plantar and (c) 3.5% is smooth warts. The frequency of their occurrence is increased in patients with impaired cellular immunity, such as.x. the disease Hodgkin's disease, AIDS etc., but very often responsible for the poor hygiene of the feet. About 43% of the kidney transplant are warts, especially common or smooth, apparently due to the action of immunosuppressive drugs. 

Common Warts (Common Warts, Verruca Vulgaris)

Due mainly to the virus HPV2 and less frequently in HPV 1, 4, 26-29. It is painless ,καλοηθηστρόγγυλα, hard lumps with irregular υπερκερατωσική surface, of varying size. Detected selectively in the dorsal surface of limbs, hands, and feet but also knees, the shins, etc. It is usually asymptomatic, unless they are identified in the periungual or the bed of the nail plate, so it's painful and likely to cause ονυχοδυστροφία. Multiply with αυτοενοφθαλμισμό, and are multiple in before another period of time. 

Smooth Warts Flat Warts, Verruca Plana)

Due to the viruses HPV3, HPV10, HPV26-29, HPV41. It is flat or slightly flat velvety papules with a smooth surface, with a diameter of typically 1-5 mm, tone normal skin. Identified on the face, back of the hands, shins, forearms and few or numerous. The Koebner phenomenon is more frequent than in the common warts. The smooth warts initial stage have a smooth, flat surface and a size of only a few millimeters. They look like knob that has the color of the skin or light brown. They tend to grow in large numbers, from 20 to 100 every time. It can occur everywhere, but the kids usually appear on the face. The adults usually appear on the chin and cheeks of the men, while in women occur in the calves. You may be responsible for the irritation caused by shaving.

Plantar Warts (Plantar Warts)

Due to the virus HPV1 and HPV4. Identify the soles of the feet to the mounting points, and is usually very painful, both during walking and the simple pressure. They usually occur on the plantar surface of the heel and on the side of the. Have abnormal υπερκερατωσική surface dotted with black spots, corresponding to θρομβωμένα capillary When you gather a lot of warts with the area swells (becomes tumorous) and the patient does not tolerate or palpation. The warts of the feet appear only on the soles are very sensitive and are identified by the way in which is inserted in the normal tissue of the skin. Their surface is irregular, bulbous, fat .The warts of the feet can be brown or gray (with dark center), are ugly and often very painful if not treated. It is usually larger than common warts and more flat, due to the pressure applied to the sole of the foot when walking. Often grow under the points are pressed more, such as the heels or the ακροστήριγμα of the tread.

Treatment Of Ants

The given time we have at our disposal a multitude of treatment options. Relapses usually occur after incomplete treatment. Indication of healing of μυρμηγκιάς is the reappearance of the physiological aspects of the skin in the area of μυρμηγκιάς. In most cases treatment is required for at least 2-3 months and you will have the patients to be highly disciplined. The method of treatment selected should not pose a risk to the patient, to not leave scars and cause the minimum pain and fewer side effects. Should be done early treatment of the ants, because the individual, and recent warts treated more easily and reduces the risk of self-inoculation may be and transmission. The first recommendation for patients to take general measures of cleanliness, p.x. to use only their own personal items, to avoid shaving, the use of communal swimming pools etc.

  • Local κερατολυτικά: salicylic acid remains the simplest, most effective and safest drug, when properly used topically for the treatment of ants in the house. Is contraindicated in the case of locating in the face and in the πρωκτογεννητική country. The chloroacetic acid is also keratolytic but cause large wounds difficult επουλούμενες (craters) and inflammation.
  • Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy with liquid nitrogen: Usually it takes 2-3 sessions with intervals of 3 weeks. It can leave scars and needs attention, especially in children
  • Electrocautery (electrocoagulation): it Is a good method for small warts, but not for long because it leaves a crater that is slow to heal.
  • Cauterization with laser: useful for large warts. It is, in the Majority of cases, the method of election as it is only destroyed the wart while at the same time stay intact the surrounding healthy tissue
  • Surgical removal: it Is useful in large warts, and in particular of the tread.
  • Other methods
The Methods Of Treatment Of Ants Include:
  • Surgical Removal: It Is Useful In Large Warts, And In Particular Of The Tread.
  • Cauterization With Laser: Useful For Large Warts. It Is, In The Majority Of Cases, The Method Of Election As It Is Only Destroyed The Wart While At The Same Time Stay Intact The Surrounding Healthy Tissue
  • Electrocautery (Electrocoagulation): It Is A Good Method For Small Warts, But Not For Long Because It Leaves A Crater That Is Slow To Heal.
  • Cryotherapy: Cryotherapy With Liquid Nitrogen: Usually It Takes 2-3 Sessions With Intervals Of 3 Weeks. It Can Leave Scars And Needs Attention, Especially In Children
  • Local Κερατολυτικά: Salicylic Acid Remains The Simplest, Most Effective And Safest Drug, When Properly Used Topically For The Treatment Of Ants In The House. Is Contraindicated In The Case Of Locating In The Face And In The Πρωκτογεννητική Country. The Chloroacetic Acid Is Also Keratolytic But Cause Large Wounds Difficult Επουλούμενες (Craters) And Inflammation.
  • Cytotoxic local: Ποδοφυλλίνη Gel, or fluorouracil (Fluoracil Cream).

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