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Pink Dandruff

The RP can occur at any age, but is most common in people between 10-35 years. It can last from a few weeks up to 6-8 months. Know. but it could without leaving marks.

What Are The Symptoms?

The disease often begins with a great ροδόχροη plate, usually on the chest or in the back. It is usually scales and is called the “parent” of fun. Many times fool you with her looks and we go to a yeast infection.
Within one or two weeks, it will appear and other ροδόχροες plaques on the trunk and, to a lesser extent in the hands, feet, and neck. In the neck are found rarely. These are smaller than the original plate. On the back can make a layout like branches fir. Sometimes the rash is likely to be more serious. Often the diseased terrorized the area that gets the rash. Itching is usually short, but can be made worse by sweat.
Physical activity, like running can exacerbate temporary rash. The disease can continue with remissions and exacerbations for a few months.


The cause is unknown. Is not caused by a fungus, or microbe, nor is it an allergic reaction or a sign of internal disease.
There is a theory that holds that the cause is a virus, based on the fact that usually only appears once, and the patient may feel unwell. This theory is unproven so far, but it seems that is constantly gaining ground. The disease, however, is not contagious.

How Is The Diagnosis Made?

Is usually done easily by the dermatologist. Rarely you may need to be done, and skin biopsy for confirmation of the diagnosis.

What Is The Treatment?

Focuses on the treatment of itching, if there is a recommended lukewarm baths, emulsions, hydration etc. The intense physical exercise if aggravates the rash should be avoided.
Sometimes we need the administration of corticosteroids and is an effective treatment, able to stop the natural course of the disease.

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