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Treatment Of Hyperpigmentation (Spots & Freckles)

The lighter or darker skin color is determined by the amount and distribution of melanin in the superficial layers of the skin. There is a natural degree of pigmentation is determined genetically, to which is added a tan (hyper-pigmentation caused by exposure to the sun) and the disorders of pigmentation (excess – hyper-pigmentation, lack of or hypopigmentation). Depending on their extent, the pigmented lesions are classified in general as diffuse or localized.

Excess Pigment

The term hyperpigmentation includes a set of disparate pigmented disorders. The skin with hyperpigmentation due to excessive amounts of melanin in the superficial layers of the skin. But the phenomenon commonly known as pigmented spots is also due to the non-normal distribution of melanin.
Due to the usually unsightly appearance, the υπερμελαγχρώσεις are a frequent cause of visit to the dermatologist, in particular when they relate to the uncovered areas (face). Before each treatment, it is important to determine the exact cause of the μελαγχρωματικής degeneration.
The most common υπερμελαγχρώσεις is melasma and as lentigines (sun spots).

Melasma, A Unsightly Dark Disorder

Melasma, also called the "mask of pregnancy", is an acquired hyperpigmentation, generally symmetric, that is displayed in the φωτοεκτεθειμένες zones (mainly in the face, but also on the arms and neck). In addition, sun exposure is an important factor in worsening of melasma. The appearance of melasma is directly related to hormonal disorders that are caused by the intake of oral contraceptives or during pregnancy, but may also be the result of particular genetic predisposition. Thus, some populations and people with dark skin (phototypes IV or darker) are affected more often than people with light skin type.

Freckles: Of Course Aging, But Above All Solar Report

The whole world is aware of these small-scale coffee stains that appear with age, the face, hands, and neck. The "spots of these aging", which are also called sun spots or as lentigines, are a direct result of the solar exposure and the first sign of (photo)aging of the skin. The first brown spots usually appear at the age of forty years of age and is more common in people with fair skin. Do not pose a risk to our health, however you need to the monitor and to protect it from exposure to the sun to avoid mutating into cancerous lesions.
Old, the thought inevitable consequence of the aging of the skin, but today we can reduce the intensity of the υπερμελαγχρώσεων of these with various dermatological acts. The therapeutic demand is high because of the presence of spots of these is in contrast with the standard of beauty that above all, it is the uniform color of the skin.


Drugs: The bleaching creams alone or in combination with retinoids and mild steroids can fade gradually the spots within a few months. The sun protection with sunscreen broad spectrum and a minimum spf of 30 is recommended period of treatment. The treatment can cause temporary itching, redness, burning, or dry skin.
LASER: The Laser destroys the cells that produce melanin, without hurting the surface of the skin. Effective treatment requires several sessions. After the completion of the sessions, the senile spots fade gradually over a period of a few weeks or months. The Laser treatment has few disadvantages, however, can cause slight discoloration of the skin.
Chemical peels: Provides for the application of an acid, which burns the layer of the skin to the point where the spots. As it exfoliates old skin, new skin is formed in its place. They can take several treatments look up the first results. The sun protection is needed after the treatment. The temporary irritation is possible, and there is a small risk of discoloration.


To avoid sunspots, follow the instructions below in order to limit your exposure to the sun:
Avoid the sun from 10 in the morning until 4 in the afternoon. The rays of the more powerful these hours, so it is recommended to schedule your external activities other hours of the day.
Don't walk around without sunscreen. About 15 to 30 minutes before you leave, wear sunscreen broad spectrum that provides protection against UVA, as well as against UVB. Choose products with an spf of at least 15. Apply a generous layer and ανανεώνετέ every two hours, or even more frequently if you are swimming or sweating a lot.
Beware. To protect yourself from the intense sun, wear a wide-brimmed hat, which offers better coverage compared with the baseball caps. Cover the arms and legs, with clothes dense weave. On the market, there are several garments from special sunscreen fabrics.

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